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    首页 > 奖学金助学金计划 > 伦敦大学学院 – 英中优秀奖学金
    伦敦大学学院 – 英中优秀奖学金
    此奖学金得提供方包括: 中国奖学金委员会(China Scholoarships Council), 英国商业部(The UK Department for Business), 发明和技术协会(Innovation and Skills), 和入读大学。
    伦敦大学学院将每年为中国留学生提供十个此项奖学金名额。 奖学金的课程为研究型的硕士课程和博士课程。详情如下:
    The UK-China Scholarships for Excellence enable outstanding Chinese students in science and technology to complete full-time doctoral research at UCL.
    The scheme is jointly funded by the China Scholarships Council (CSC), the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), and the host universities in the UK.  
    UCL is aiming to co-fund 10 UCL Scholarships for Excellence annually, to enable Chinese students of outstanding academic merit and potential to pursue M.Phil./PhD studies at UCL.
    (For Chinese students registered for PhD studies in China, but interested in a research visit to UCL, please see further information here).
    Eligibility Requirements
    To qualify for a scholarship applicants must
    • be a Chinese national (mainland China) studying at a recognised top Chinese university (Chinese students attending a UK university are not eligible);
    • hold an offer of admission to pursue M.Phil./PhD research at UCL, and satisfy all entry requirements, including relevant English Language requirements;
    • be approved by the China Scholarship Council.
    Selection Criteria
    Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and research potential. Financial circumstances are not taken into account.
    Value: Benefits and Duration
    The scholarships consist of full tuition fees (covered by BIS and UCL), while CSC provides a maintenance allowance, visa costs, and international flights to and from the UK.
    Awards are tenable for full-time M.Phil./PhD degree programme (over a period of 3-4 years), subject to annual review and renewal.
    Application Deadline and Procedure
    Candidates must complete and submit a UK-China SfE Application Form by; these can be dowloaded from here. Information on the deadline for application can also be found via the above link.
    Notification of Results
    Successful candidates can expect to be notified by BIS and CSC by the end of May.